Last Day on the Job – Day 1

Last Day on the Job – Day 1

So, today was a bit strange. Started like any other day.. actually started better than usual. I arrived at work, feeling fresh and revived after a session at the gym the night before.

Decided to stick to drinking water instead of sweet drinks and managed to consume 750ml just walking to work.. – Thumbs up

Arrived at the office and started to do a little work. For those who didn’t already know this, I’m not just a photographer, I do a load of different thinks and my “day” job is creating WordPress based websites, designing and other marketing. or should I say, “my day job WAS..”.

So the company I joined back in April 2015 was a new startup company that had set up it’s office in Cluj-Napoca to reduce running costs. The company seemed like it was going to be the next big thing in personal fitness and even had an mobile application, nice new website (obviously designed by me) but the only thing that was missing was customers.

For the sake of not damaging any reputations, I will not really explain the reasons behind the fact there were no customers engaging with us, but let’s just say there were definitely areas of improvement needed. So sadly, today was my last day at the office which will be closing immediately.

Aaron Roberts
This is the only reaction I have right now…

So, Thursday 11th February 2016. Unemployed and looking for a new job.

Well, a lot of you might just say, “Make the photography a full-time job” and where as I would absolutely love to do this, realistically I don’t charge enough to ensure I would cover myself each and every month.. and I don’t want to raise my prices because I do what I do out of passion.. not just for business.

So arrived back at home, and the first thing I started doing.. well, guess… eJobs / Facebook etc.

CV iPhone

I’m not entirely sure how to go from here but what I do know is that I have to find some sort of sustainable income from 1st March as that will be my last payday from the company.

So.. Why am I writing this?

Well, that’s a good question. I guess it’s because it will be an interesting story, after all.. we learn a lot from these experiences and they help us to become even better at what we do on a daily basis, so why not share this with you all and maybe we can learn a few things together?

I can’t promise that I will update the blog daily as you can probably imagine, it’s going to be pretty busy for me as I’ll undoubtably have a lot of things I need to do.

It’s not nice having the rug pulled out from under your feet but it’s happened and I plan to take this experience and turn it around into something positive.

Thanks for reading!

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